Question: Should there be a half speed judging rule?

The top 4-way teams regularly do more than 30 points in time. With this speed (move, grip take, key & flash), do you think there should be a rule allowing judges to view at half speed?

Stu Ferguson - With the exception of time, I can’t see a reason why the judges can’t freeze frame, never mind slow mo. Let’s move with the times – we have super clear HD widescreen surround sound bass pumping machines that do all kinds of good stuff so let’s get it used. I’d rather see genuine scores than guessed ones that change a rank.
Henry Chow - I have mixed feeling on this one. Allowing judges to see videos in half speed fundamentally changes the ethos of competitive 4-way. In my opinion, this is neither right or wrong, just different. Competitors, especially top flyers will have to adapt the way they train and the way they fly.
Phil Hartree - I like the idea of half speed. As I heard one competitor say at a World Meet: "It's a skydiving competition, not a judging competition".
Simon Cathrine - I think the rules should be changed to allow the judges a maximum period of time to judge one jump. However they do it is up to the judges. If the judges feel a round needs a 1/2 speed viewing then they have the choice. Maximum 4 minutes per jump.

1 comment:

  1. at the Judges / competitors Meeting last year at the world meet the point was made for both sides -

    Judges - it would be nice to be sure if needed to review it
    Coaches / teams - we want the event judged live - whilst still in freefall,,one time only - to keep the media aspect well fed and not watching a dragged out process with delays as reviews of earlier dives knock back the live aspect

    Joey and a number of other coaches made valid points - if you slow it down we train the team different - be deliberate and certain,,,if it can speed up / live we go as fast as possible -

    I prefer the go fast - I am sure the media do too

    any suggestions for IPC can be submitted for their consideration at next meeting 2010 and also by teams attending the world cup in 2009
